Tsuriai  Dojo

Kyokushin Karate

Feel free to contact us for more info/trial lesson!

We train every Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the gym at Markeent Elementary School.
On Sundays everyone can join the outdoor training in the iron man from 10.00 am to about 12.00 pm. During the monthly association trainings the outdoor training is cancelled and everyone can train in Papendal from 11.00 am to 15.00 pm.
The membership fee is € 20.00 per month. Everyone always trains the first month for free. If you then decide to become a member, you will pay the membership fee from the 2nd month . In the future we will expand the training days
Everyone who signs up before April 01, 2024 will train 3 months for free!!

Please use the contact form below for all your questions or requests.